Delve Detox 29: Fear of Death Delve Detox 30: Out-of-the-Box Thinking Delve Detox 31: Tactics Through D&D Editions Delve Detox 32: Analysis Paralysis Delve Detox 33: GM Fiat & Trust Delve Detox 34: Safe Haven Delve Detox 35: Scope of Arden Vul Delve Detox 36: Combat as War! Delve Detox 37: 3d6 DTL at Gary Con! Delve Detox 38: Play with a Stacked Deck Delve Detox 39: World-Clock Pressure Delve Detox 40: Bridging Map Connections Delve Detox 41: Expansionist Goblins Delve Detox 42: Banana Level 9 Delve Detox 43: Maximizing Temporary Power Delve Detox 44: The Cult of Arden Delve Detox 45: One Tough Spirit Delve Detox 46: Put on Your Tinfoil Hats Delve Detox 47: Processing Tragedy Delve Detox 48: Death Spirals Delve Detox 49: Cult Rituals Delve Detox 50: Splitting the Party Delve Detox 51: Codswallop Conundrum Delve Detox 52: Hardships Unnumbered Delve Detox 53: Who Do Ya Trust? Delve Detox 54: A Simple Plan Delve Detox 55: Escape Delve Detox 56: Faction Plinko Delve Detox 58: Truly Terrifying Delve Detox 59: Defying Dragons Delve Detox 60: So Smart, It Feels Like Cheating Delve Detox 61: KHAAAN! Delve Detox 62: Sealing the Deal Delve Detox 63: Spoiled For Options Delve Detox 64: We're In a Tight Spot Delve Detox 65: Analyzing Disaster Delve Detox 66: One Angry Druid Delve Detox 67: Those Weren't Beastmen Delve Detox 68: Alas, Poor Darius Delve Detox 69: Tinfoil Hat Time Delve Detox 70: So About Those Goblins… Delve Detox 71: It's a Trap! Delve Detox 72: Thothian Motives Delve Detox 73: Dynamic Duos Delve Detox 75: Rugs: A Love Story Delve Detox 76: Godly Displeasure Delve Detox 79: Damned Consequences Delve Detox 80: Dead Means Dead Delve Detox 81: Escape Room Delve Detox 82: Eye Eye, Captain Delve Detox 85: On the Hunt Delve Detox 86: S-Tier Sessions Delve Detox 87: Panic at the Disco Delve Detox 88: Stability in Plungertown! Delve Detox 89: Pathways Galore Delve Detox 90: Tactile Play is Best Play! Delve Detox 91: High-powered Dungeoneering Delve Detox 92: Trippin' on "Shrooms Delve Detox 93: Getting Side-tracked Delve Detox 94: Ted-Whispering Delve Detox 96: The Last Delve Looms Delve Detox 97: Genres Gone Wild Delve Detox 100: Classic Monsters Revisited Delve Detox 101: Kick-a** Magic Items!